Chapter 2. Installation22 PACSystems* RXi Distributed IO Controller User Manual GFK-2816F2.4.4 Connecting to a PROFINET NetworkThe RXi Controller provides two RJ-45 ports for PROFINET network connections. They canalso be used for general Ethernet communications on a 10BaseT, 100BaseTX, or1000BaseT IEEE 802.3 network.PROFINET IO can be connected to either of the two PROFINET ports. Use of MediaRedundancy Protocol (MRP) requires both PROFINET ports. If MRP is not used, thePROFINET IO can be connected to either port.Note: For sample PROFINET network topologies, refer to section 9.2 PROFINETNetworks for PACSystems.CautionDo not connect both ports on the RXi to the same device,either directly or indirectly, unless Media Redundancy isenabled in the PROFINET interface configuration.If Media Redundancy will be used, do not close the networkring until a Media Redundancy configuration that contains aMedia Redundancy Manager (MRM) node has beendownloaded to the RXi. If an MRM is not present, packetscan continuously cycle on the network, using up significantnetwork bandwidth.PROFINET Media10BaseT: uses a twisted pair cable of up to 100 meters in length between a node andanother node, switch, hub, or repeater. 10Mbs can be used for general Ethernet traffic, butnot for PROFINET communications.100BaseTX: uses a cable of up to 100 meters in length between a node and another node,switch, hub, or repeater. The cable should be data grade Category 5e or better shieldedtwisted pair (STP).1000BaseT: uses a cable of up to 100 meters in length between a node and another node,switch, hub, or repeater. The cable should be data grade Category 5e or better STP.The operation of the Ethernet port LED indicators, ACTIVITY and LINK, is described inSection 1.3.3 PROFINET and GbE Port LEDs.2.4.5 USB PortsNot implemented2.4.6 Serial Communication PortNot implemented2.4.7 Micro USB (Type B) PortNot implemented