Managing Files 6-7February 2005Renaming a Site or Log File (cont.)Renaming a Site File (cont.)5. Use the arrow keys to scroll to the desired letter or numberand press [ENTER]. Press [F1] (Delete) to delete anyunwanted letters or numbers.6. Repeat this procedure until you have created the desired sitename of up to eight characters.7. When you have finished, press [F3] (OK).8. Do one of the following:• If you selected Save As, the PM880 prompts you to savethe current site, press [F3] (Yes) and proceed to What’sNext? below.• If you selected Rename, the PM880 renames the file andreturns to the Site Manager. Proceed to What’s Next? below.What’s Next?Do one of the following:• If desired, repeat steps 1 through 8 above for another file.• To exit and return to taking measurements, press [F3] (Exit)and then press [MENU]. The newly renamed site file isdisplayed in the upper left corner of the screen.Note: The PM880 uses the renamed site file to takemeasurements. To recall a different site file, refer toRecalling a Site File on page 6-4.