Getting Started 1-15February 2005Displaying MeasurementsThe PM880 can display one to four measurement parameterssimultaneously. There are two parts for displaying measurements:selecting the number of measurements and then selecting the typeof measurements. Refer to Figure 1-9 on page 1-19 for a menumap.Selecting the Number of Measurements1. If the menu is not active, press [MENU].2. Use the arrow keys to scroll to Site and press [ENTER].3. Use the arrow keys to move to the desired number of views ormeasurement windows (1 View, 2 Views, etc.).4. Press [ENTER] at your selection. The screen displays thedesignated number of views (measurement windows).Selecting the Types of Measurements1. Press [SEL] or arrow keys to move the pointer to the windowyou want to change and press [ENTER].2. Use the arrow keys to scroll to Measurement and press[ENTER]. The screen appears similar to Figure 1-7 below. Theleft column displays the five measurement types and the rightcolumn displays the measurement units.Figure 1-7: The Select Measurement Window