Features and Specifications 9-5February 2005Moisture Image Series Probe (cont.)The electronics module stores the probe calibration and referencedata in non-volatile memory; therefore, the user never needs toenter the data by hand. The Moisture Image Series Probe alsofeatures continuous compensation of its own analog circuitry toassure long-term electronic stability.The Moisture Image Series Probe, when operated with aBASEEFA-approved PM880, is intrinsically safe and designed tomeet the requirements of IEC/CENELEC zone 0 areas.The Moisture Image Series Probe measures moisture content in astandard range from -110°C to 20°C (-166°F to 68°F) dew/frostpoint temperature and optionally from -110°C to 60°C (-166°F to140°F). In addition, it can be used to measure temperature in arange of -30°C to 70°C (-22°F to 158°F) and pressure from 30-300/50-500/100-1000/300-3000/500-5000 PSIG.CablingEach probe requires an interconnecting cable. Cables differdepending on the probe. The various cables are discussed belowunder the appropriate probe type. All of these cable assembliescan be ordered from GE Infrastructure Sensing.M Series and TF Series ProbesThe M and the TF Series probes are connected to the analyzerwith a special GE Infrastructure Sensing shielded cable. Probescan be located up to 600 meters (2,000 feet) from the PM880(consult GE Infrastructure Sensing for distances up to 1,200meters). To measure pressure with a TF probe, the maximumcable length is approximately 152 meters (500 feet).Moisture Image Series ProbeThe Moisture Image Series Probe can be connected to the PM880with an unshielded, twisted-pair cable. The probe may be locatedup to 915 meters (3,000 feet) from the analyzer using 22 AWGtwisted pair cable. (Consult GE Infrastructure Sensing for longercable lengths.)