February 2005A-2 Measurement ConsiderationsChoosing a Measurement Site (cont.)• Locate the electronics unit away from high temperatures,strong electrical transients, mechanical vibrations, corrosiveatmospheres, and any other conditions that could damage orinterfere with the meter operation.• Protect the probe cables from excessive physical strain(bending, pulling, twisting, etc.). In addition, do not subject thecables to temperatures above 65°C (149°F) or below -50°C(-58°F).• Observe the proper cable restrictions for the probes. You canlocate the Moisture Image Series probe up to 915 meters(3,000 feet) away from the electronics unit with unshieldedtwisted pair cable. The M Series and TF Series probes requirespecially shielded cable. You can locate the M and TF probesup to 600 meters (2,000 feet) from the unit. If you aremeasuring pressure with a TF probe, the cable length shouldnot exceed 152 meters (500 feet).Moisture/Temperature ProbeConsiderationsThe M Series, TF Series, and Moisture Image Series probesconsist of an aluminum oxide sensor mounted on a connectorhead. Standard probe mounts include a protective stainless steelshield.The probe sensor materials and housing maximize durability andinsure a minimum of water absorbing surfaces in the vicinity ofthe aluminum oxide surface. A sintered stainless steel shield isused to protect the sensor from high flow rates and particulatematter. The end cap should not be removed except upon advicefrom GE Infrastructure Sensing.The sensor has been designed to withstand normal shock andvibration. You should make sure that the active sensor surface isnever touched or allowed to come into direct contact with foreignobjects, since this may adversely affect performance.