CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTSPQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–175.2.11 Programmable MessagePATH: SETPOINTS Ö S1 PQMII SETUP ÖØ PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGEA 40-character message can be programmed using the keypad, or via a serial port usingthe EnerVista PQMII Setup Software. An example of writing a new message over theexisting one is shown below:TIPS:• The setpoint access must be enabled in order to alter the characters.• To skip over a character press the ENTER key.• If a character is entered incorrectly, press the ENTER key repeatedly until thecursor returns to the position of the error, and re-enter the character.• See 3.4 Default Messages for details on selecting this message as a defaultmessageA copy of this message is displayed in actual values page A2 STATUS ÖØ PROGRAMMABLEMESSAGE. PROGRAMMABLE [Z]MESSAGEPHONE: 905-294-6222www.GEmultilin.comRange: 40 alphanumeric charactersn PROGRAMMABLEn MESSAGEPHONE: 905-294-6222GEindustrial.comNEW SETPOINTSTOREDP ONE: 905-294-6222HGEindustrial.comNEW SETPOINTSTOREDSTOREDisplayed for 3 seconds whenENTER key pressedDisplayed for 3 seconds whenENTER key pressedUSE THE VALUEKEYS TO SELECTTHE UNDERLINEDQUANTITIESVALUEMESSAGEENTERENTER