5–8 PQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS• MODBUS COMMUNICATION ADDRESS: Enter a unique address from 1 to 255. Theselected address is used for all serial communication ports. Address 0 represents abroadcast message to which all PQMIIs will listen but not respond. Although addressesdo not have to be sequential, no two PQMIIs can have the same address or there willbe conflicts resulting in errors. Generally, each PQMII added to the link uses the nexthigher address, starting from address 1.• BAUD RATE: Enter the baud rate for each port: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200 baud.All PQMIIs and the computer on the RS485 communication link must run at the samebaud rate. The fastest response is obtained at 19200 baud. Use slower baud rates ifnoise becomes a problem. The data frame consists of 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bitand a programmable parity bit. The baud rate default setting is 9600.• PARITY: Enter the parity for each communication port: “Even”, “Odd”, or “None”. AllPQMIIs on the RS485 communication link and the computer connecting them musthave the same parity.5.2.5 DNP 3.0 ConfigurationPATH: SETPOINTS Ö S1 PQMII SETUP ÖØ DNP 3.0 CONFIGURATION• DNP PORT: Select the appropriate PQMII port to be used for DNP protocol. The COM2selection is only available if T1 or T20 option is installed in the PQMII. Each port isconfigured as shown in 5.2.4: Serial Ports.• DNP SLAVE ADDRESS: Enter a unique address from 0 to 255 for this particular PQMII.The address selected is applied to the PQMII port currently assigned to communicateusing the DNP protocol. Although addresses do not have to be sequential, no twoPQMIIs that are daisy chained together can have the same address or there will beconflicts resulting in errors. Generally each PQMII added to the link will use the nexthigher address.• DNP TURNAROUND TIME: The turnaround time is useful in applications where theRS485 converter without RTS or DTR switching is being employed. A typical value forthe delay is 30 ms to allow the transmitter to drop in the RS485 converter. COM2 RS485 [Z]SERIAL PORTCOM2 BAUD RATE:19200 BAUDRange: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and19200 baudMESSAGE COM2 PARITY: NONE Range: None, Even, Odd FRONT PANEL [Z]RS232 SERIAL PORTRS232 BAUD RATE:9600 BaudRange: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and19200 baudMESSAGE RS232 PARITY: None Range: None, Even, Odd DNP 3.0 [Z]CONFIGURATIONDNP PORT: None Range: None, COM1, COM2DNP SLAVE ADDRESS:0Range: 0 to 255 in steps of 1DNP TURNAROUND TIME:0 msRange: 0 to 100 ms in steps of 10▲▼▲