CHAPTER 7: APPLICATIONSPQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7–237.8 Pulse Input Application7.8.1 DescriptionThe PQMII has up to 4 Logical Switch Inputs that can be configured as Pulse InputCounters. Variables to consider when using the PQMII as a Pulse Input Counter are:• PQMII Switch Input A(D) Function: Defines the functionality to be provided by thePQMII Switch Input. For use as a Pulse Input Counter, the PQMII Switch Input to beused must be assigned as either Pulse Input 1, 2, 3, or 4.• PQMII Switch Input A(D) Activation: Set to Open or Closed. The PQMII will see theoperation of the Switch Input in the state as defined by this parameter.• PQMII Switch Input A(D) Name: Defines the name given to each of the SwitchInputs used. It is used as a label only and has no bearing on the operation of theSwitch Input.• PQMII Pulse Input (Units): Represents the name given to the base units that thePQMII Pulse Input(s) will be counting. It is used as a label only and has no bearingon the operation of the Pulse Input.• PQMII Pulse Input 1(4) Value: This value is assigned to each counting operation asdetermined by the Switch Input.• PQMII Totalized Pulse Input: Creates a summing register of the various PulseInputs configured. It can be configured for any combination of the PQMII SwitchInputs used as Pulse Inputs.7.8.2 PQMII Pulse Input(s) with a Pulse Initiator using KYZ TerminalsTypical end receivers require a contact closure between KY or KZ based upon the type ofreceiver. Because of the multi-functional parameters of the PQMII Switch Inputs, the PQMIISwitch Inputs are not labeled with KYZ markings as a dedicated pulse input device.However, the PQMII can still be used as a pulse counter. The PQMII Switch Inputs require asignal from the PQMII Switch Common terminal to be activated. The PQMII configured as aPulse Counter can be used with Two-Wire Pulse Initiators. The Pulse Initiator must providea dry contact operation. The Switch Common terminal of the PQMII is connected to the Kterminal of the Pulse Initiator. The PQMII Switch Input assigned to count pulses can beconnected to the Y or the Z terminal of the Pulse Initiator, depending on the operation ofthe Pulse Initiator, i.e. Open or Closed. The PQMII Pulse Input (value) must be assigned tomatch the pulse value of the Pulse Initiator, i.e if the Pulse Initiator delivers a dry contactclosure for every 100kWh, the PQMII Pulse Input (value) must also be set to 100.Various operating parameters must be taken into account. The PQMII Switch Inputsrequire a minimum 100ms operation time to be detected. The duration of the contactoperation can be indefinite. The internal Switch Input circuit of the PQMII is itself switchedon and off at the times when the PQMII is reading the status of the Switch Inputs.Monitoring the input to one of the PQMII Switch Inputs will reveal a pulsed 24VDCwaveform, not a constant signal. Standard wiring practice should be adhered to whenmaking connections to the PQMII Switch Inputs, i.e. avoiding long runs of cable alongcurrent carrying conductors or any other source of EMI. An induced voltage on the SwitchInput can cause malfunction of the Switch Input.