CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTSPQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–39When the “Single Phase Direct” connection is used the phase reversal feature will neveroperate.• VOLTAGE PHASE REVERSAL DELAY: If a voltage phase reversal exists for the timeprogrammed in this setpoint a voltage phase reversal condition will occur.NotePlease note that the terms undervoltage and overvoltage used for alarm, are genericregardless of sag/swell or undervotlage/overvoltage conditions based on duration of thevoltage disturbance5.5.2 Harmonic DistortionPATH: SETPOINTS ÖØ S4 ALARMS/CONTROL ÖØ TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION• AVERAGE CURRENT THD RELAY: Excessive phase current THD detection can either bedisabled, used as an alarm, or as a process control. Set this setpoint to “Off” if thefeature is not required. Selecting “Alarm” activates the alarm relay and displays analarm message whenever an excessive average current THD condition exists.Selecting an auxiliary relay activates the auxiliary relay, but no message will bedisplayed. This is intended for process control.• AVERAGE CURRENT THD LEVEL: When the measured average current THD exceedsthis setpoint value, an average current THD condition occurs.• AVERAGE CURRENT THD DELAY: If the average current THD exceeds the AVERAGECURRENT THD LEVEL for the time delay programmed in this setpoint, an average currentTHD condition occurs.• AVERAGE VOLTAGE THD RELAY: Average voltage THD detection can either bedisabled, used as an alarm or as a process control. Set this setpoint to off if the featureis not required. Selecting alarm relay will cause the alarm relay to activate and displayan alarm message whenever an average voltage THD condition exists. Selectingauxiliary relay will cause the auxiliary relay to activate, but no message will bedisplayed. This is intended for process control.• AVERAGE VOLTAGE THD LEVEL: When the measured average voltage THD equals orexceeds this setpoint value, an Average Voltage THD condition occurs. TOTAL HARMONIC [Z]DISTORTIONAVERAGE CURRENT THDRELAY: OFFRange: Alarm, Aux1, Aux2, Aux3, OffMESSAGE AVERAGE CURRENT THDLEVEL ≥ 10.0 %Range: 0.5 to 100.0% in steps of 0.5MESSAGE AVERAGE CURRENT THDDELAY: 10.0 sRange: 0.5 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.5MESSAGE AVERAGE VOLTAGE THDRELAY: OFFRange: Alarm, Aux1, Aux2, Aux3, OffMESSAGE AVERAGE VOLTAGE THDLEVEL ≥ 10.0 %Range: 0.5 to 100.0% in steps of 0.5MESSAGE AVERAGE VOLTAGE THDDELAY: 10.0 sRange: 0.5 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.5