4–12 PQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 4: SOFTWARE4.4.2 Viewing Actual ValuesIf a PQMII is connected to a computer via the serial port, any measured value, status andalarm information can be displayed. Use the Actual pull-down menu to select variousmeasured value screens. Monitored values will be displayed and continuously updated.4.4.3 Setpoint FilesTo print and save all the setpoints to a file follow the steps outlined in 4.3.2: SavingSetpoints to a File.To load an existing setpoints file to a PQMII and/or send the setpoints to the PQMII followthe steps outlined in 4.3.4: Loading Saved Setpoints.4.4.4 Getting HelpA detailed Help file is included with the EnerVista PQMII Setup Software.Select the Help > Contents menu item to obtain an explanation of any feature,specifications, setpoint, actual value, etc. Context-sensitive help can also be activated byclicking on the desired function.For easy reference, any topic can be printed by selecting File > Print Topic item from theHelp file menu bar.