CHAPTER 3: OPERATIONPQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–3• TX2: The PQMII is transmitting information via the COM2 RS485 communicationsport when lit.• RX2: The PQMII is receiving information via the COM2 RS485 communications portwhen lit.3.2.4 RelaysThe status of the output relays is displayed with these LED indicators.• Alarm: The Alarm relay is intended for general purpose alarm outputs. Thisindicator will be on while the Alarm relay is operating. When the condition clears,the Alarm LED indicator turns off. If the alarm relay has been programmed as“Latched”, the alarm condition can only be cleared by pressing the RESET key or byissuing a computer reset command.• Aux1: The Aux 1 relay is intended for control and customer specific requirements.The Aux1 LED indicator is on while the Auxiliary 1 relay is operating.• Aux2: The Aux 2 relay is intended for control and customer specific requirements.The Aux2 LED indicator is on while the Auxiliary 2 relay is operating.• Aux3: The Aux 3 relay is intended for control and customer specific requirements.The Aux3 LED indicator is on while the Auxiliary 3 relay is operating.