3–8 PQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 3: OPERATION3.4 Default Messages3.4.1 DescriptionUp to 10 default messages can be selected to display sequentially when the PQMII is leftunattended. If no keys are pressed for the default message time in the S1 PQMII SETUP ÖPREFERENCES Ö DEFAULT MESSAGE TIME setpoint, then the currently displayed message willautomatically be overwritten by the first default message. After three seconds, the nextdefault message in the sequence will display if more than one is selected. Alarm messageswill override the default message display. Any setpoint or measured value can be selectedas a default message.Messages are displayed in the order they are selected.3.4.2 Adding a Default MessageUse the MESSAGE keys to display any setpoint or actual value message to be added to thedefault message queue and follow the steps shown below. When selecting a setpointmessage for display as a default, do not modify the value using the VALUE keys or thePQMII will recognize the ENTER key as storing a setpoint instead of selecting a defaultmessageIf 10 default messages are already selected, the first message is erased and the newmessage is added to the end of the queue.3.4.3 Deleting a Default MessageUse the MESSAGE keys to display the default message to be erased. If default messagesare not known, wait until the PQMII starts to display them and then write them down. Usethe MESSAGE keys to display the setpoint or actual value message to be deleted from thedefault message queue and follow the steps below.THREE PHASE REALPOWER = 1000 kWTO ADD THIS DEFAULTMESSAGE PRESS ENTERNEW DEFAULTMESSAGE SELECTEDACTUAL VALUE OR SETPOINTTO BE STORED AS DEFAULTMESSAGEDISPLAYED FOR 3 SECONDSWHEN STORE KEY PRESSEDTWICEDISPLAYED FOR 3 SECONDSWHEN STORE KEY PRESSEDADEFMSG.CDRENTERENTERENTER