6–4 PQMII POWER QUALITY METER – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 6: MONITORING6.2 A1 Metering6.2.1 Current MeteringPATH: ACTUAL VALUES Ö A1 METERING ÖØ CURRENT• A, B, C CURRENT: Displays the current in each phase corresponding to the A, B, and Cphase inputs. Current will be measured correctly only if the CT PRIMARY is entered tomatch the installed CT primary and the CT secondary is wired to match the 1 or 5 Ainput. If the displayed current does not match the actual current, check this setpointand wiring.• Iavg/Vavg: Displays the average of the three phase currents and three voltages. Thisline is not visible if the VT WIRING setpoint is set to “Single Phase Direct”. L-N is displayedwhen VT WIRING is set to “4 Wire Wye /3 VTs”, “4 Wire Wye Direct”, “4 Wire Wye / 2 VTs”,or “3 Wire Direct”. L-L is displayed when VT WIRING is set to “3 Wire Delta / 2 VTs”. CURRENT [Z] A = 100 B = 100C = 100 AMPSMESSAGE Iavg = 100 AMPSVavg = 120 V L-NMESSAGE NEUTRAL CURRENT =0 AMPSMESSAGE CURRENT UNBALANCE =0.0%MESSAGE Ia MIN = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE Ib MIN = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE Ic MIN = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE In MIN = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE I U/B MIN = 0.0%12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE Ia MAX = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE Ib MAX = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE Ic MAX = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE In MAX = 100 AMPS12:00:00am 01/01/95MESSAGE I U/B MAX = 0.0%12:00:00am 01/01/95