10 49-1000364 Rev. 0Sealed Deli Pan8VHWKH6HDOHG'HOL3DQIRUWKHFRQYHQLHQWVWRUDJHRIlunch meats and cheese, hors d’oeuvres, spreads andsnacks. The pan and shelf to which it is attached can beadjusted to any height.Excess water that may accumulate in the bottom of thedrawers should be emptied and the drawers wiped dry.Climate Control DrawerUSING THE REFRIGERATOR:&OLPDWH&RQWURO'UDZHU6WRUDJH'UDZHUVThe Climate Control feature is a system of dampers, afan, a temperature thermistor, and a heater. The ClimateControl drawer can be used to store items at theiroptimum temperatures.The drawer is tightly sealed to prevent the drawer’stemperature from causing temperature fluctuations in therest of the refrigerator.SELECT TEMP—Use this feature to store items attheir optimum temperatures. See Climate Control Chartbelow.CONTROL LOCK—Use this feature to lock thetemperature controls.NOTE: When the controls on the Climate Control drawerare turned off, the drawer will maintain temperatures at42-48°F (5.6-8.9°C).Climate Control ChartNOTE: Results may vary depending on packaging,starting temperature and other food traits.Control LockPress and hold this pad for 3 seconds to lock thesettings for the Climate Control drawer. To unlock, pressand hold for another 3 seconds.Produce Setting (31–38°F) (-0.6 - 3.3°C) Citrus Setting (39–47°F) (3.9-8.3°C)6WUDZEHUULHV5DVSEHUULHV.LZLIUXLW3HDUV&KHUULHVBlackberries, Grapes, Plums, Nectarines, ApplesOranges, Lemons, Limes, Pineapple, CantaloupeAsparagus, Broccoli, Corn, Mushrooms, Spinach,&DXOLIORZHU.DOH*UHHQ2QLRQV%HHWV2QLRQVBeans, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant, SquashMeat Setting (27–37°F) (-2.8 - 2.8°C)Raw Meat, Fish and PoultryStorage DrawersSealed Produce PanThe top pan is designed to provide constant highhumidity levels.Make sure the drawers are closed completely to maintainthe correct humidity level.Excess water that may accumulate in the bottom of thedrawers should be emptied and the drawers wiped dry.