28 49-1000364 Rev. 0Troubleshooting Tips... Before you call for service6DYHWLPHDQGPRQH\5HYLHZWKHFKDUWVRQWKHIROORZLQJSDJHVILUVWDQG\RXPD\QRWQHHGWRFDOOIRUVHUYLFHTROUBLESHOOTING TIPSProblem Possible Causes What To DoRefrigerator does notoperateRefrigerator in defrost cycle. Wait about 30 minutes for defrost cycle to end.Freezer control in 0 (off)position.0RYHWKHIUHH]HUFRQWUROWRDORZHUtemperature setting.Refrigerator is unplugged. Push the plug completely into the outlet.The fuse is blown/circuitbreaker is tripped.Replace fuse or reset the breaker.Energy Smart™ featureis altering refrigeratorperformanceWait about 2 hours for normal operationto continue.5HIULJHUDWRURUIUHH]HUcompartment too warmTemperature control not setcold enough.See About the controls.Warm weather or frequent dooropenings.Set the temperature control one step colder. SeeAbout the controls.Door left open. Check to see if package is holding door open.Energy Smart™ featureis altering refrigeratorperformanceSHH$ERXW(QHUJ\6PDUW0RGHOVVibration or rattling Front rollers need adjusting. See Rollers. Slight vibration is normal.Motor operates for longperiods or cycles on andoff frequently. (Modernrefrigerators with morestorage space and aODUJHUIUHH]HUUHTXLUHPRUHoperating time. They startand stop often to maintaineven temperatures.)Normal when refrigerator is firstplugged in. Wait 24 hours for the refrigerator to completelycool down.Often occurs when largeamounts of food are placed inrefrigerator.This is normal.Door left open. Check to see if package is holding door open.Hot weather or frequent dooropenings. This is normal.Temperature controls set at thecoldest setting. See About the controls.Frost or ice crystals onIUR]HQIRRG IURVWZLWKLQpackage is normal)Door left open. Check to see if package is holding door open.Too frequent or too long dooropenings.'LYLGHUEHWZHHQUHIULJHUDWRUDQGIUHH]HUFRPSDUWPHQWVfeels warmAutomatic energy saversystem circulates warm liquidaround front edge of freezercompartment.This helps prevent condensation on the outside.Automatic icemaker does notwork (on some models) Icemaker power switch is in theOFF position. Slide the power switch to the ON position.Water supply turned off or notconnected. 6HH,QVWDOOLQJWKHZDWHUOLQHFreezer compartment too warm. Wait 24 hours for the refrigerator to completelycool down.Piled up cubes in the storagebin cause icemaker to shut off. Level cubes by hand.Ice cubes stuck in icemaker. Turn off the icemaker, remove cubes and turn theicemaker back on.