49-1000364 Rev. 0 23Installation InstructionsINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSSTEP 7 LEVEL REFRIGERATORAll models have 4-point leveling. The front issupported by leveling legs, the rear is supported byadjustable wheels. Both are accessible from the frontof the refrigerator.7ROHYHOWKHEDFNRIWKHUHIULJHUDWRUWXUQWKH´hex nut located above the front wheels. Turnclockwise to raise orcounterclockwise to lowerthe refrigerator.• For front leveling, use a´RSHQHQGZUHQFK• Adjust height ofrefrigerator to matchinstallation cutoutRSHQLQJ´ cm). The refrigerator should be level and plumb withcabinetry.NOTICE: The rear leveling wheels and front levelingOHJVDUHOLPLWHGWRDPD[LPXPKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQWRI´FP ,IWKHLQVWDOODWLRQUHTXLUHVPRUHWKDQ´ FP KHLJKWWKHLQVWDOOHUVKRXOGelevate the refrigerator on a sheet of plywood orrunners. Cabinetry trim could also be added acrossthe top of the opening to shorten the opening. If youattempt to raise the refrigerator more than 1” (2.54cm), you will damage the front leveling legs andthe rear leveling wheels. Make adjustments insmall increments.STEP 8 ALTERNATE ANTI-TIPPROCEDUREThe refrigerator must be secured to preventtipping.• Raise the grille panel to access case trim.8VHD´ELWWRGULOOIRXUHYHQO\VSDFHGFOHDUDQFHholes through the metal top case trim.• The screws must penetrate at least one inch into thevertical wall studs.,IPHWDOZDOOVWXGVXVHVHOIWDSSLQJVKHHWPHWDOscrews in place of wood screws.IMPORTANT: When the refrigerator is installed undera soffit or if there is not enough height for this methodof security, brackets cannot be used. Proceed to step7 to level the refrigerator and then to step 8 to securerefrigerator to cabinets. The refrigerator must besecured to prevent tipping.Connect power cord:• Before pushing the refrigerator into the opening,plug the power cord into the receptacle. The waterfilter guard will need to be removed for access(some models). Remove the 3 screws holding it inSODFH,IDFFHVVLVVWLOOWRRWLJKWUHPRYHWKHVFUHZVholding the water filter bracket and move aside.Open the grille panel and reach into the opening atthe back to grasp the power cord. Pull the powercord into the opening as you push the refrigeratorback. Secure the bracket and guard with the originalscrews.• Gently push refrigerator into the opening with handsagainst front corners.STEP 6 ANTI-TIP PROCEDURE(Cont.)