49-1000364 Rev. 0 19SIDE PANELSSide panels must be used whenever the sides of theUHIULJHUDWRUZLOOEHH[SRVHG7KH´ FP VLGHpanels will slip into the side case trim. Secure thepanels to the refrigerator with stick-on hook and loopfastener strips. Order the side panels from the cabinetmanufacturer.• Cut a notch in the top front corner as shown to allowclearance for corner keys in the front side trim.*84"2-9/16"24"*3" to 4"3/16"1-7/8"'HSHQGLQJRQLQVWDOODWLRQKHLJKWInstallation InstructionsINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSTOOLS AND MATERIALSREQUIRED• Tinsnips to cut banding• Stepladder´%LWH[WHQVLRQ• Tape measure• Gloves´'U\ZDOOVFUHZV• 5-Gal. Bucket with cover´6SLULWOHYHO• Appliance hand truck• Tubing cutter´RSHQHQGZUHQFK• #2 Phillips screwdriver'ULOODQGDSSURSULDWHELWV´´VRFNHW• Safety glasses´RSHQHQGZUHQFK• Pliers´´&RPER5DFKHW´ORQJ[IRU$QWL7LSVXSSRUW´FRSSHUZDWHUOLQHWXELQJRU6PDUW&RQQHFW Refrigerator Tubing kits• Water shut-off valve• Custom panels for doors and grille panel• Screws to secure refrigerator to cabinetry• Stick-on hook and loop fastener strips for´VLGHSDQHOVHARDWARE SUPPLIED• Water filter bypass plug (on some models)• Toekick´QXWDQGIHUUXOHFLOORINGFor proper installation, this refrigerator must beplaced on a level surface of hard material that isat the same height as the rest of the flooring. Thissurface should be strong enough to support a fullyloaded refrigerator, or approximately 1,500 lbs.(680.39 kg).NOTE: Protect the finish of the flooring. Cut a largesection of the cardboard carton and place underthe refrigerator where you are working.GROUNDING THE REFRIGERATORWARNING Electrical Shock Hazard.Failure to follow these instructions can result indeath, fire, or electrical shock.The power cord of this appliance is equippedwith a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mateswith a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall receptacleWRPLQLPL]HWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIHOHFWULFVKRFNKD]DUGfrom this appliance.Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualifiedelectrician to make sure the outlet is properlygrounded.Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered,it is your personal responsibility and obligation tohave it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prongwall outlet.'212781'(5$1<&,5&8067$1&(6&87255(029(7+(7+,5' *5281' PRONG FROM THE POWER&25''212786($1$'$37(5PLUG TO CONNECT7+(5()5,*(5$72572$2-PRONG OUTLET.'212786($1(;7(16,21&25':,7+7+,6$33/,$1&(