49-1000364 Rev. 0 25Installation InstructionsINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSINSPECT FINAL INSTALLATIONCheck door alignment. Stand back away from therefrigerator to inspect the final installation.• Check to be sure the handles are evenly alignedwith each other at the top. To adjust, loosen thehandle screws and slide up or down. Tighten thescrews.• Shipping or the addition of heavy door panels mayhave caused the doors to move slightly out ofalignment.,IQHFHVVDU\WKHIUHVKIRRGGRRUPD\EHDGMXVWHGXSRUGRZQWRDOLJQZLWKWKHIUHH]HUGRRU8VHD´ZUHQFKWRDGMXVWWKHKLQJHSLQDVshown.BushingDoor HingeCase Hinge5/16" WrenchRaiseDoor Out ofAlignmentSTEP 13 INSTALL TOEKICKS• Locate the supplied toekicks (shipped taped to theside of the refrigerator.• Attach the LARGER toekick to the refrigerator usingONLY the top center hole (1).• Attach the toekick skirt to the refrigerator using thethree lower slots (2).• A custom toekick can be installed to match orcomplement the surrounding cabinetry. Use thesupplied toekick as a template to cut the shape.12STEP 11 CONNECT POWER,CLOSE GRILLE PANEL• Open the grille panel.• Plug in the power cord (if necessary) by reachinginto the opening next to the water filter. The waterfilter guard will need to be removed for access(some models). Remove the 3 screws holding it inSODFH,IDFFHVVLVVWLOOWRRWLJKWUHPRYHWKHVFUHZVholding the water filter bracket and move aside. Plugin the power cord. Secure the bracket and guardwith the original screws.• Check to make sure power to refrigerator is on byopening refrigerator door to see if interior lights areon.• The temperature controls are preset at 37°F (3º C)for the fresh food section and 0°F (-18º C) for theIUHH]HU$OORZKRXUVWRVWDELOL]HEHIRUHPDNLQJadjustments.Water FilterGuard in Front ofElectric OutletAccessBracketScrewsScrewsSTEP 12 START ICEMAKERCAUTION Avoid contact with the movingparts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heatingelement (located on the bottom of the icemaker) thatUHOHDVHVWKHFXEHV'RQRWSODFHILQJHUVRUKDQGVon the automatic ice making mechanism while therefrigerator is plugged in.• Slide the power switch to ON.• The icemaker will begin operation automatically.• Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep of thefeeler arm.'LVFDUGWKHILUVWIXOOEXFNHWRILFHFXEHV• To turn the icemaker off, slide the switch to OFF.Feeler Arm,FHPDNHU