About the shelves and bins. (cont.)Not all features are on all models.Press tab and pull shelfforward to removeSlide-Out Spillproof ShelfThe slide-out spillproofshelfallows you toread1 items stored behind others. Thespedal edges are designed to help preventspills fiom dripping to h)wer shelves.Toremove:Slide the shelf out until it reaches tile stop,then press down on the lab and slide theshelf straight out.Toreplaceor relocate:I fine the shelf up with the supports and slideit into place. The shelf can be repositionedwhen tile door is at 90 o or iiloie. Toreposition the shell slide the shelf past thestops and angle dox_llw,trd. Slide shelf downto the (Dsired position, line up with thesupports and slide into place.Make sureyoupushthe shelvesall the way backin beforeyouclose the doorOuickSpace TM ShelfThis shelf splits in half and slides underitseffti)r storage of tall items on tile shelfbelow.This shelf can be removed and replacedor relocated just like Slide-Out SpillproofShelves.On some models, this shelf can not be usedin the lowest p{)sifion.Freezer BasketsToremove, push the basket all the way to theback of the fieezer. I,ifl up until the backpins are disengaged. I,ifl the entire basketup and pull out.Make sureyoupushthe basketsaft the way backin beforeyouclose the doorSlide-Out Freezer ShelvesToremove,slide out to tile stopposition,lift tile tiont past tile stop position, andslide out.Make sureyoupushthe shelvesaft the waybackin beforeyouclose the door) Fixed Freezer ShelvesToremove,lift the shelf up at the left sideand then bring tile shelf out.lO