Consumer Product Ownership Registration[)ear Customer:Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us.We are proud to have you as a customer!Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:Complete and mail),'our ConsumerProduct OwnershipRegistration today.Have the pea(c ofmind of knowing wccan Cl inlacl you ill Iheunlikely cvent of asati'ty modilication.Aller mailing Iheregistralion below,slore this doctllnela/in a safe' place. Itcontains inlT)rmationy!lu will need shouldyou require service.Our sel_ice number is800 (',E (;ARES(81)0.432.2737).Read your ()wner'sManual carefiflly.h will help youoperate your newappliance properly.Model Number Serial NumberI I I I I IImportant: If you did not get a registration card with yourproduct, detach and return the form below toensure that your product is registered, or registeronline at ._ ( k_t l-lereConsumer Product Ownership RegistrationModel Number Serial NumberI,,,,,, , , , , , I I , , , , , ,, IMr. MS. Mrs. MissFi"st I I laslI IName_ I I I I I I I I I Name_ I I I I I I I I I I I IS.'e_[IAddress I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IAp, # I I I I I I I I E-mailAddr_ss*Dal_ PlacedM'_<_I, I I , I ,'ea,I , 1 Phone• _umhe,I,, I-I,, I-IMI inlh i)ax': Pl_ asc provide }_)ur €-mail addrc ss to rc c_ivc, via e-mail, discounls, spccial otti rs and other importanto mmmnicaiions li-om lIE Appliances ((;EA).D Cl-leck l-lere il'}ou do not Wal-ll ui receixe comnmnicalions Ii'om (;EA's Cal'( ltl[[} selc ctc d parlners.GE AppliancesGelleral Electric CompanyLooisvi/le, KentockywwwGEApplimlees.com4O