vvvvw.GEAppliances.comCustomCoolTM Chart0.5 Lbs. (4 hours);i:; Hamburger Patties (0.5 lb)1.5 Lbs. (8 hours)i__ Chicken Breas/s (1.5 lbs)i_: Ground Beef (1.5 lbs)i__ Steak (1.5 lbs)3.0 Lbs. ( 12 hours)i_: (hicken Breasts (3.0 lbs)i_: Ground Beef (3.0 lbs)i_: Steak (3.0 lbs)15 Minutesi_: 1 Can of Beverage (12 oz) >_i__ 2 Small Juice Boxes (6-8 oz each)30 Minutesi_: 2-6 Cans of Beverage (12 oz each)i_: 2 Plastic 20 oz Bottles of Beverage >;i_[__ 4-6 Small Juice Boxes (6-8 oz each)i_: 3 CapriSun"i_: Wine (750 ml bottle) >;45 Minutesi_: 2 I, of Beveragei_: 1/2 Gallon ot[]uice;i:_ Jello- 1 paclctgeCitrus Setting (43°F)Oianges, I,emons, Limes,Pineapple, CantahmpeBeans, (lilt tllill)eis, Tomatoes,Peppers, Eggplant, SquashProduce Setting (34°F)Suawberries, Raspberries,Kiwiffuit, Pears, ( herries,Blackberries, Grapes, Plums,Nectarines, ApplesAsparagus, Broccoli, (orn,Muslnooms, Spinach, ( auliflower,Kale, (heen Onion, Beets, OnionsMeat Setting (30°F)Raw Meat, Fish and PouluyDisassembling theChill/Thaw trayAbout the CtlstomCoolTM Pall Rack and TrayToclean _e Chill/Thawtray, disassemble themetal uay flom tile plastic stand by lightlypushing in on the handles of the plasticstand and rem(Mng tile melal tray. Both tilemetal Uay and the plastic stand aredishw_Mmr sate.Toreassemblethetray,place tile plastic standupside down (handles on bottom) on asolid surlime. Place the melal plate on lop ofthe stand matching up the cmx-ed side ofthe plate with the cmx-ed side of the stand.Insert one side of the plate into the notcheson the stand. Push in on the handle on theother side of the stand while pushing thatend of the plate dox_ll and into place. Youshould hear the plate "click" into place.7