Trimkits and decoratorpanels.For CustomS&/e TM modelsRead these instructions completely and carefully.Before YouBeginSome models are equipped with trim kits that aflow you to instafl door panels. You can order pre-cutblack, white, almond, bisque, or stainless steel decorator panels from GE Parts and Accessories,800.626.2002, or you can add wood panels to match your kitchen cabinets.Panels less than 1/4" (6 mm) thickWhen installing wood panels less than l/4" (6 ram) thi(k, you need to create a filler panel, su(h as 1/8"cmdboard, that x_illfit belween the titce of the door and the w()od panel. If }_n_me installing the pre-cutdecorator panels, pre-cut filler panels me included in the kit. The combined thickness of the decorator orwood panel and the filler panel should be 1/4" (6 ram).Panels1/4" thickor less1/4" max3/4" (19 mm) or Raised PanelA raised panel design screwed or glued to a 1/4" (6 ram) thick backing, or a 3/4" (19 ram) routed board(an be used. The raised portion of the panel must be fabri(ated to permit (learan(es ()fat least 2" (5.1 (m)fi'om the handle side for fingertip (learan(e.Panels thicker than l/4" (6ram), up to 3/4" ( l .)ram) max, wallrequne that the outer o/16 (8 ram) ofpanel perimeter be no thi(ker than 1/4" (6 ram).Weightlimitations for custom panels:FreshFood38 Ibs. (17kg) max.FreezerDoor28 Ihs.(13kg) max.Panelsthickerthan1/4" (6 mm) 1/4" (6 mm)ThickBacking2"(5.1 cm) II llll __---"...._",-_ClearanceI I IIII _"3/4"(19mm) pAP_ee_ra"ceqi111 • ,orDoor18