About CustomCool7• SET ExpressThaw ExpressChill SelectTempHow it WorksTile CustomCoolTMteature is a system o Jdampers, a tim, a temperature thermistor,and a hearer. Depending on the flmctionselected, a combination of these _dll beused to quickly chill items, thaw items orhoM the pan at a specific temperature.The pan is tightly sealed to preventtile pan's temperature flom cruisingtemperature fluctuations in the rest ofthe refiigeramr.The conuols fi)r this pan are located at thetop of the refiigerator with the temperaturecontrols.ExpressThawTMExpressChillTMHow to Use0 Empty tile pan. Place dm ( hill/Thawuay in tile pan _tll tim metal platefiJ(ing down to (hill and store items, or_ith the metal plate tix(:ing up to thawitems. Place file hems on the u:ay andclose d_e pan completely.Select tlle ExpmssThaw TM,ExpressChill TM or SelectTemp TMpad.The display and SETlight _dll (ome on.Tap the pad until the light appears nextto the desired setting. Use tlle chmt todetermine the best setting to use.i;y To stop a teamre befine it isfinished, tap that teamre's paduntil no options are selected andthe cfisplay is off.i_Y If the pan is not ch)sed completely, abeeping sound _dll be hemd. It willstop on(e the pan is (losed se(urelyor the feature is turned off.i_[? During ExpressThawrMandExpressChillTM, the (fisplay on the(onuols will (ount down tlle time inthe o_cle.i_YAfter the ExpressThawrM(ydeiscomplete, tile pan will reset to tileMEATsetting (30 °F) to help presevvethawed items until they are used.NOTE:Forfi)od salely reasons, it isrecommended that fi)ods be x_Tappedin some sort of pacl%ging when usingexpressThaw .This will help containineatjuices.