About the temperaturecontrols, vvww.GEAppliances.comIIThe temperature controls are preset in the factory at 37°1:for therefrigerator compartment and O°Ffor the freezer compartment. Allow24 hours for the temperature to stabilize to the preset recommendedsettings.The temperature controls can display both the SET temperatureas well as the actual temperature in the refrigerator and freezer. Theactual temperature may vary slightly from the SET temperature basedon usage and operating environment.Setting either or both controls to OFFstops cooling in both the freezerand refrigerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical powerto the refrigerator.NOTE: Therefrigerator is shipped with protective film covering thetemperature contre/s, if this fi/m was not removed during installation,remove it now.Tochangethe temperature,press and release theWARMERorCOLDERpad.The SETlight _dll come onand the display _fill sh_)w tile set temperature. Tochange tile temperature, tap either the WARMERor COLDERpaduntil the desired tempevaune isdisplayed. Refiigerator temperaUnes can bea(!justed belween 34°F and 44°F and tile tieezertempevaunes can be a(!justed be/ween -6°F and+6°F.Once tile desired temperature has been set,the temperature displ W will return to the actualretiigerator and fleezer temperatures aher5 seconds. Several a(!jusunen/s may be required.Each time you a({just conuols, allow 24 houxs tox tileretiigerator U)reach the temperature you have set.Toturn the cooling system off,tap the WARMERpadfin either the retiigerator or tile fieezer until tiledisplay shows OFF.Toturn the un# back on, press tileCOLDERpadfin either the refiigerator or fieezer.The SETlight will ilhmfinate on the side y{xuselected. Then press the COLDERpad again (on theside where the SETlight is ilhnninated) and it will goto the preset poims of O°Fti)rthe fleezer and 37°1:fin the refiigerator. Setting either or both conuolsto OFFstops cooling in both the fieezer andrefiigerator comparm_en/s, but does not shutoffelecuical power to the refiigerator.PerformanceAir Flow SystemTile Pedi)rmance Air-Flow System is designed tomaximize temperature conuol in the refiigeratorand fleezer companmen/s. This unique spedalfeature consists of the Air Tower along tile mp andback w_dlsof the refiigerator and the Air Tunnel onthe bottom portion of the fieezer rear wall. Pladngfi)od in fiont of the louvers on these componentswill not affect pedinmance. Alth{xugh the Air Towerand the Air Tunnel can be rem{)ved, doing so willaffect temperaUne pevlinmance. (Fox removedinstructions, on-line, 24 hours a day, contact us atx_w.GEAppliances.com or call 800-GE-CARES. InCanada, contact us at x_v.geappliances.ca or call1.800.361.3400. )