Installation InstructionsINSTALLING THE WATER LINE (CONT.)[] FASTEN THE SHUTOFF VALVEFasten tile shutoffvalve tr) tile (old water pipe withtile pipe (lamp.PipeSaddle-Type""_ C01dWater PipeShutoffValveNOTE: Crmnnrmweahh of Massachusetts PlumbingCr)des 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle valvesare illegal and use is not perlnitted in Massachusetts.Crmsuh _dth your licensed phunber.[] TIGHTEN THE PIPE CLAMPTighten the clamp screws until the sealing washerbegins to swell.NOTE: Do not overtighten or you may crush tilerobing.PipeClampScrew"WasherInlet Endr •[] ROUTE THE TUBINGRoute the tubing between tile cold water line andthe refiigerator.Route tile tubing through a hole drilled in the wallor floor (behind the refligerator or adja( ent base(abinet) as ( lr)se tr) the wall as possible.NOTE: Be stlre there is sufficient extra tubing(about 8' [2.4 In] coiled into 3 turns of about10" [25 cm] diameter) tr) allow the reliigerator tomove out fiom the wall after installation.[] CONNECT THE TUBING TO THEVALVEPlace the compression nut and ferrule (sleeve)for copper tubing onto the end of the robing andcrmnect it tr) the slmtr)flvalve.Make sure the tubing is fully inserted into the valve.Tighten the compression nut securely.For plastic tubing flom a GE SmartConnect TMRefligerator Tubing kit, insert the molded endof the tubing into the shutoffvalve and tightencompression nut until it is hand tight, then tightenone additional mrn with a _Tench. Overtighteningmay cause leaks.ISaddle-TypeShutoffValveI CompressionNutSmartConnectTMPackingNutFerrule(sleeve)OutletValveNOTE: ( rmnnrmweahh of Massachusetts 1)hHnbingCodes 248( MR shall be adhered to. Saddle valvesare illegal and use is not permitted in Massa( husetts.Consuh _dth your li(ensed plumber.[] FLUSH OUT THE TUBINGTurn the inain water supply on and flush out tiletubing until tile water is clear.Shut tile water offal the water valve after aboutone quart (1 liter) of water has been flushedthrough the tubing.28