Normal operating sounds, www.GEAppliances.comThese sounds are normal and are due mostlyto highly efficient operation.The new high eflicieno, compressor runs titster and will have a higher pitch humor pulsating sound while operating.Tile fans circulating air inside the fieezer and refiigerator compartments whichkeep tile temperatures unifortn throughout.The fires operating at a high speed. This happens when tile refiigerator is firstplugged in, when the doors are opened fiequently, or when a large amount offood is added to the refiigerator or fieezer (ompartments.Water dropping on tile defiost heater causing a sizzling, hissing or poppingsound during the defiost o_(le.Tile tlow of refiiget>mt through the fieezer tooling (oils sounds like boilingwater or a gurgling noise.;or popping of cooling coils caused by expansion and contractionduring defiost and refiigeration folh)wing defiost.Water dripping as it mehs fiom the evaporator and flows to tile drain panduring the defiost o_(le.IcemakerTile icemaker wzlter valve will buzz when the icemaker fills with wmer. If the p{twerswiwh is in the I (on)position it will buzz even if it has not yet been hooked up towater. Keeping the power switch in the I (on)position beti)re it is hooked up towater can damage the icemaker. To prevent this, set the power switch/o the0 (off)position. This will stop the buzzing.Tile sound of cubes dropping into the bin and water running in pipes asi_emaker refills.31