About the water and FreshSaverTM filters.Place the top of the cartridge upinside the cartridge holder andslowly turn it to the right.iiiRESETWATERFILTERHOLD3 SECSWater Filter CartridgeTile water fiher cartridge is located in tileba(k upper right (orner of tile refligeratorct)tllparltllenLWhen to Replace the FilterThere is a replacement indicator light fi)rthe water fiher caruidge on the dispenser.This light will turn orange to tell y{tu thatyou need to replace the fiher soon.Tile fiher cmuidge should be replacedwhen tile replacement indicator light turnsred or ittlle flow of water to the dispenser oricemaker decreases.Installing the Filter CartridgeIf you are replacing tile caruidge, firstremove tile old one by sh)wly turning itto the left. Do notpull down on thecaruidge. A stnall amount of water inay(kip down.Fill tile re -)lacemem caruid ,e xdthwater fiom the tap to alh)wfi)r betterflow flom the dispenser immediatelyafter installation.Lining up the arrow on the caruidgeand the cmtridge holder, place thetop of the new cmtridge up insidethe holder. Do notD_sll it up intothe holder.Slowly turn it to the right until the fiher(artridge stops. DONOT OVERTIGHTEN.As you turn the (aruidge, it willautomatically raise itself into position.Cartridge xdll rotate about 1/4 turn.Run water flom the dispenser fi)r 3minutes (about one and a half gallons)to clem the system and preventsputtering.Press and hold tile RESETWATERFILTERpad on tile dispenser fi)r 3 seconds.NOTE:A newly-installed water fiher(aruidge may causewaterto spurtfiomthe dispenser.Filter Bypass PlugY{)umust use the fiher bypass plugwhen a replacement fiher caruidge is notavailable. The dispenser and tile icemakerwill not operate without the fillet or fiherbypass plug.ReplacementFillers:Toorderadditionalfiller cartridgesinthe UnitedStates,vis#ourWebsite,www.GEAppliances.com,or callGEPartsandAccessories,800.626.2002.(A,\FSuggested Retail $34.95( ustomers in Canada should consuh theyelh)w pages ti)r tile nearest Cameo ServiceCenter.REPLACEFreshSaver FILTERRESETWHEN LITFreshSaver TM FilterThis fiher is h)cated inside tile tieshproduce (hawer and helps fl_uits andvegetables stay tiesh.The fiher should last approximately sixintmths.Toorder additional filters in the United States,visit our Website, www.GEAppliances.com, orcall GE Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.(_ustomers in Canada should consuh tileyellow pages ti)r tile nearest (amco ServiceCenter.When to Replace the FilterThere is a replacement indicator light torthe FreshSaver fiher on the temperaturecontrol panel. This light will turn orangeto tell you that you will need to replace thefiher soon. When the indicator light turnsred, it is time to replace the fiher. Whenputting in a new fiher, first rem_)ve tileplastic covering, then insert the new fiherinto the holder. After installing the newfiher, press and hold the RESETpadon thetemperature comrol panel fi_r 3 seconds.8