Replacing the lightbulbs, vvww.GEAppliances.coSetting the controls to OFF does not remove power to the light circuit.Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light0 Unplug tile refligerator.The bulbs are located at the top of thecompartment, inside the light shieM.On some models, a screw at the front ofthe light shield xdll have m be rein{wed.0To remove tile light shieM, press in ontile tabs on tile sides of the shieM andslide fi)rward and out.After replacing tile bulb with anappliance bulb of tile stone or lowerwattage, replace the light shield andscrews (Oil some models). Whenrepladng the light shield, make surethat the robs at the back of the shield fitinto the slots at the back of the lightshield housing.Plug tile refligerator back in.Refrigerator Compartment--Lower LightThis fight is locatedabovethe top drawecUnplug tile refiigerator.Remove the convertible meat &awercontrol knob by pulling smtight out.IJfl the light shield up and pull it out.After replacing tile bulb x_4tllanappliance bulb of tile same or lowerwattage, repla¢e tlle shield andtile knob.Plug tile refligerator back in.Freezer Compartment0@Unplug tile refligerator.Remove the sheltjust above the lightshieM. (The shelfxdll be easier toremove flit is emptied first.) On somemodels, a screw at tile top of tile lightshieM xdll need to be removed.To remove tile light shield, press in ontile sides, and lift up and out.@Replace tile bulb with an appliancebulb of tile same or lower wattage,and reinstall the light shield. Whenreinstalling the light shieM, makesure the top tabs snap securelyinto place. Replace the screw (onsome models).Reinstall tile shelf and plug tilerefligerator back in.DispenserUnplug tile refrigerator.The bulb is located on the dispenserunder the control panel.Rem_)ve tile lightbulb by unningit o)untercl0ckwise.Replace tile bulb with a bulb of tilesaIIle size and wattage.Plug tile refligerator back in.17