IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION.READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING.A WARNING!HOWTOCONNECTELECTRICITYDo not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. Forpersonal safety this appliance must be properly grounded.The pc)wer cord of this appliance is equipped xfitha 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates _dth astandard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet tominimize the possibility of elecuic shock hazardfiom this appliance.Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by aqualified ele(trician to make sure the outlet isproperly grounded.If tile oudet is a standard 2-prong oudet, it isyourpersonal responsibility and obligation to have itrepla(ed _dth a properly grounded 3-prong walloutlet.The refrigerator shouM always be plugged into itsown indMdual electrical outlet which has a vohagerating that matches tlle rating plate.This provides the best performance and alsoprevents overh)ading house wiring cir(uits whidlcould cause a tire hazard flom overheated wires.Never unplug your reffigervUor by pulling on tllepower (ord. Ahvays grip plug firmly and pull suaightout fiom the outlet.Repair or replace immediately all power cords thathave become fiayed or otherwise dmnaged. Do notuse a cord that shows cracks or abrasion dmnagealong its length or at either end.When moving tile refrigerator away flom thewall, be (mefhl not to roll over or damage thepower cord.USEOFADAPTERPLUGS(Ad_pte_plug_notpe_mittedinC_,_d_)Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend againstthe use of an adapter plug.H{rwever, if you must use an adapter, where localcodes permit, a temporaryconnectionmay be madeto a properly gn nmded 2-prong wzdl outlet by useofa UI Aisted adapter available at most localhardware stores.The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned withthe larger sh)t in the wall outlet to proxdde properpolarity in the cr)nnection of the power cor'd.When disconnecting the power cord fl'om thea&lpter, always hold the adapter in place with onehand while pulling the power cord plug with theother hand. If this is not done, the adapter gr(rundterminal is very likely to break with repeamd use.If the adapter ground terminal breaks, DONOTUSEthe refrigerator until a proper ground hasbeen established.Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a waft outletcover screw does not ground the appliance unless thecover screw is meta/, and not lesu/ated, and the waftoutlet is grounded through the house wiring. Youshou/dhave the circuit checked by a qualified electric&n to makesure the outlet is proper/y grounde_READANDFOLLOWTHISSAFETYINFORMATIONCAREFULLY.SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS4