IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION.READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING.A WARNING!Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's ManualSAFETYPRECAUTIONSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precaufions should be followed, including the following:This refrigerator must be properly installedand lo(ated in a((ordan(e xfith tile InstallationInstructions beti)re it is used,_>Do not allow children to climb, stand or hangon the shelves in tlle refiigerator. They coulddamage tlle retiigerator and seriously injurethelilselves.Do not touch the cold surihces in tile fieezer( omparmmnt when hands are damp or wet. Skinmay stick to these extremely cold sudilces.Do not store or use gasoline or other flamnlablevapors and liquids in the xd(inity of this or anyother appliance,_,':_In retiigerators with automatic icemakers,avoid contact with tile m()ving parts of theejector mechanism, or with the heating elementthat releases the (ubes. Do not place fingers orhands on the automatic icemaking mechanismwhile the retiigevator is plugged in.Kee t) fingers out of tile "pinch point" areas;clemances between tile doors and betweentile doors and (abinet are necessarily small.Be carethl {losing doors when children arein tile area._,'_Unplug the refligerau)r betore cleaning andmaking repairs.NOTE:Westronglyrecommendthatanyservicingbeperformedby a quafifiedindividual_'_'Setting either or both conuols to 0 (off) does notremove power to tile light circuit._>1)o not refleeze fiozen foods which havethawed completely.TM _,::Always(leantheCustomCool Tray after thawingfood.2