6. Control Functions and Parameter Settings6-39B06-0~6 Ratio interlock settingThe ratio interlock operation executes the following expression and corresponds to eachspeed setting input signal.Y = AX + B + CX: Frequency (speed) setting input A: Coefficient (B06-0)Y: Frequency (speed) command B: Bias (B06-1, 4 where B" = 0)(operation results) C: Bias (C07-3)B D WB U PB iasin c re as e /d ec re as eb uffe rF req u en c y(s p ee d)c om m a ndIPA S SO F FO NB 0 6- 3 ,6B 0 6- 2 ,5U p pe r/lo w er lim itIV LM(C 0 7 -3)B ias(B ")(B ')(B )B ias(B 06 -1 , 4 )C o effic ie nt(B 06 -0 )(A )(X )++F S VF S IP C , s e ria l In pu tin te rfa c eo ptio nC u rre ntly v a lida cc e le ra tio n ra m p tim eC u rre ntly v a lidd ec e le ratio n ra m p tim eB ias in cre a se /d ec re as e b uffe rv alue (B “)0 c le arTim eIV LMB D WB U P0(Ratio interlock bias increase/decrease function)When IVLM turns ON, is possible to increase/decrease the bias (B”), by BUP and BDW functions.This bias is added to the ratio interlock bias value (B’)If BUP turns ON while IVLM is ON, the bias buffer (B") increases its value with the currently validacceleration ramp rate. When BDW turns ON, the bias buffer (B") decreases its value with the currentlyvalid deceleration ramp rate.If both BUP and BDW turn OFF while IVLM is ON, the current bias buffer value (B") is held.If IVLM turns OFF, the current bias buffer value(B") is cleared to zero, and the BUP and BDWoperations are ignored.If the operation command (RUN) turns OFF, the current bias buffer value (B") is cleared to zero. TheBUP and BDW operations are also ignored in this case.