6. Control Functions and Parameter Settings6-61C09-7 Default value loadAll values per function group are changed to the default values.9: All default values load (excluding maintenance)10: Parameter A11: Parameters B, C basic functions12: Parameters B, C extended functions13: Parameter B software option functionParameter C hardware option function14: Parameters B basic functions15: Parameters B extended functions16: Parameter B software option function17: Parameters C basic functions18: Parameters C extended functions19: Parameter C hardware option functionNothing will occur when values other than the above are set.This parameter setting value will not be registered in the internal memory.(Note) The setting values exceeding 2000 are codes for maker maintenance, so do notset. Otherwise, the internal factory adjustments may be lost and consequently thedrive will become unadjusted.C10-0~7 Custom parameter registerSet the No. of Block B, C parameter to be displayed on A04-0~7.To set block B parameter B10-1, set as 0.10.1.To set block C parameter C14-0, set as 1.14.0.Refer to section 4-7 for details.C12-0 FSV terminal input modeC12-1 FS1 terminal input modeC12-2 AUX terminal input modeC12-3 Filter time constant for FSV/FSI and AUX inputAs an example, the analog input value through FSV, FSI and AUX (C07-0 = 2 to 4) andspeed setting ratio is shown below. Refer to section 5-7-1 for additional details5 V1 0 V1 V0F SV inp u t vo lta g eC 1 2 -0 = 3C 1 2 -0 = 1 , 2M a x . fre q u e n cyM a x . sp e e dS etting fre q ue n cy/S ettin g sp e e dC12-0 = 1: 0~10V= 2: 0~5V= 3: 1~5V