AppendixA-3Note 1) The output voltage indicates the output capacity [kVA] at 200V for the 200V series, and 400Vfor the 400V series.Note 2) Indicates the total effective value including the higher harmonics.Note 3) Indicates the case for the standard 4-pole squirrel cage motor.Note 4) When 40°C is exceeded, derate the output current by 2% for each 1°C. (Refer to Fig. 1-1.)1 01 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0O u tpu t C urre nt (% )A m b ien t tem p era tu re (ºC )2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 01 00Fig. 1-1 Derating according to ambient temperatureNote 5) Drives up to N22K0S, and X30K0S working in constant torque allow carrier frequency settingup to 10kHz. Derate 7% current per kHz above that frequency. When these drives work invariable torque derate above 4kHz in ratio shown in fig 1-2.Larger drives than N22K0S or X30K0S should be derated in a 7% current per kHz above4kHz either constant torque or variable torque as shown in fig 1-3If the heatsink temperature 70°C is exceeded and the output current exceeds 90%, the carrierfrequency will automatically change to 4kHz.43 65 87 1 09O u tpu t C urre nt (% )C a rrie r freq ue nc y (K H z )7 % o f rate d cu rre ntR a tedC u rren tO u tp ut C urre n t (% )C a rrie r freq ue nc y (K H z ) 43 65 87 1 0 1 39 1 2 1 511 1 4Fig. 1-2 Derating according to carrier frequencyfor drives up to N22K0 and up to X30K0Note) When changing the carrier frequency, take care to the motor's temperature rise.Fig. 1-3 Derating according to carrierfrequency for drives larger thanN22K0 or X30K0