6. Control Functions and Parameter Settings6-65C21-0 Number of retriesC21-1 Retry wait timeRetry is a function that performs its own fault reset and restarts with pick-up. Is possible toset the number of retries, and the wait time (tRW ). An IO-4 fault will be output if the operationis not possible after the programmed re-tries.The retry is effective against power module ( ), overcurrent ( ), overvoltage( )Note 3), overload ( ), overheat ( ), and ground fault ( ) errors.M otor s p ee dTim eW a iting tim e a fter trip b y O v e rcu rre nt,P ick -u p a n d re tryP ick -u p a c hiev ed a nd re try finish edt RWO CO u tp ut fre qu en c y O C O CC 2 1-1n = 1 n = 2 n = 3In te rna lF LT22113344(Note 1) If C21-0=0, retry will not function.(Note 2) The FA-FC relay output will stay open during retry, but will not function.(Note 3) OVT retry may not function correctly if the DC voltage drop is slow.(Note 4) If the run command turns OFF during retry, the retry will be cancelled, and theFA-FC relay contact will turn ON.(Note 5) The pickup operation is not carried out during vector control with sensor (C30-0= 4).CAUTIONWhen a fault occurs on an extremely rare case, this function automatically resets the fault and restarts theoperation.If the fault occurs frequently, the inverter could be damaged, so first remove the cause of the fault.