5. Control Input / Output5-17(1-1) External reduction settingThe torque limit can be reduced using the signal provided from an analog input or from the serialtransmission . Either analog or serial signals can be selected by setting a parameter or from thedrive’s terminal board.Settinginput pointSetting data ExplanationAnalog drive torque limitreduction settingThe drive torque limit (A10-3 or A11-2) may be reduced inpercentage using an analog input. For example using asignal of 0V to +10V the limit torque is reduced from 0 to100%.This function is enabled when LIM1, is ON.AnalogAnalog regenerativetorque limit reductionsettingThe regenerative torque limit (A10-4, A10-5 or A11-3) maybe reduced in percentage using an analog input. Forexample using a signal of 0V to +10V the limit torque isreduced from 0 to 100%.This function is enabled when LIM2 is ON.Serial drive torque limitreduction settingA serial interface option U2KV23SL0.The drive torque limit (A10-3, A11-2), may be reduced in apercentage using the data 0 to 100% provided from serialtransmission.For example using a signal of 0 to 100% the limit torque isreduced from 0 to 100%.This function is enabled when LIM1 is ON.SerialSerial regenerativetorque limit reductionsettingA serial interface option U2KV23SL0The regenerative torque limit (A10-4, A10-5, A11-3), maybe reduced in a percentage using the data 0 to 100%provided from serial transmission.For example using a signal of 0 to 100% the limit torque isreduced from 0 to 100%.This function is enabled when LIM2 is ON.(1-2) Internal reduction settingThe torque limit may be reduced as well by setting a value lower than 100% in the parameter“Double rating speed ratio”, B13-4. The reduction generated in the limiter function, in percentage,is shown below, and will depend of the base speed and real speed ratio. The resultant multiplierwill reduce the limit values set in A10-3, A11-2, A10-4, A10-5 and A11-3.KDBL : B13-4Double rating speed ratio (%)NFB : Speed detection (rpm)NBASE : Base speed (rpm)NDBL : NBASE x KDBL (rpm)S p ee d (rpm )1 00 %N D B LK D B LK D B L (% ) x N B A S E (rpm )N F B (rp m )R e du c tio n ratio (% )N B A S E N M A X