5. Control Input / Output5-5Table 5-3 Programmable sequence input functions (1)Connection of PSI1 to PSI9 is possible. Note that PSI6 to PSI9 are options.The connection is done with data Nos.: C03 to C06Symbol Name FunctionR RUN Reverse run This is a command for reverse run. This command allows run/reverseswitchover when C00-0=2.F JOG Forward joggingR JOG Reverse joggingThese are jogging commands. If this signal is ON while RUN is OFF, theoutput frequency or motor speed is fixed according settings in (A00-1 or 3).For stoppage, either ramp down stop or coast-stop is available.HOLD Hold This is a stop signal used when Forward or reverse operation to RUN/REVis commanded by push-buttons (self-hold mode). The VAT2000 stops withthis signal turned off.BRAKE DC brake DC brake can be operated with this signal.During the PM motor control mode, DC excitation is provided by thisfunction.COP SerialtransmissionselectionWhen this function is ON, settings or sequence control commands arereceived from the serial communications port. Some of these however canbe controlled from the drive’s terminal block with parameter C00-6Check drawings on fig 5-2C SEL Ramp selection Accel./decel. standard and secondary ramps switchover.Accel./decel. time 1 (A01-0, 1) is available when CSEL is OFF.Accel./decel. time 2 (B10-0, 1) is available when CSEL is ONI PASS Ratio interlockbypassRatio interlock operation is bypassed. This is the ratio between frequencysetting input and frequency setting outputCPASS Ramp bypass The ramp function is by-passedVFS Speed setting 1 The frequency (speed) setting is carriedout with the input selected with C07-0.IFS Speed setting 2 The frequency (speed) setting is carriedout with the input selected with C07-1.AUX Speed setting 3 The frequency (speed) setting is carriedout with the input selected with C07-2.PROG Programfunction enableUsed for multiple setting. Selection of upto 8 fixed speeds (PROG0~PROG7)CFS Serialcommunicationsetting selectAllows speed (or torque) setting fromserial communication port.When inputs are enteredsimultaneously, setting isselected in accordance withfollowing preference order.JOG>CFS>PROG>AUX>IFS>VFSS0 to S3SEProgram settingselectionWhen PROG is ON, the 8 program frequency (speed) (B11-0~7), areselected by S0-S3, SE . BCD or direct selection allowed with B11-8FUP Frequency(speed) increaseFDW Frequency(speed)decreaseThe currently frequency (speed) setting in (A00-0, A00-2) or programfrequency setting 0 to 7 (B11-0~7) is increased or decreased by FUP orFDW functionsThe frequency output (or speed) is increased or decreased according validacceleration or deceleration ramp time.C00-6 Input Point1 control from terminal blockON 2 Control from serial transmission