5-46 C60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5AltitudeRange: 0 to 10,0000 m in steps of 1 mDefault: 0 mThe value entered sets the value of the data attribute /LPHD1.PhyNam.altitude. This data attribute is providedby the protocol to allow the user to declare the geographical position of the device in WGS84 coordinates - altitude.Prefix for GGIO1Range: 0 to 7 VisibleString charactersDefault:This setting sets the LN Prefix of the logical node GGIO1 that is described in the GGIO1 section later. Valid characters areupper and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character. The first character must be a letter.Prefix for GGIO2Range: 0 to 7 VisibleString charactersDefault:This setting sets the LN Prefix of logical node GGIO2 that is described in the GGIO2 section later. Valid characters areupper and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character. The first character must be a letter.Prefix for GGIO4Range: 0 to 7 VisibleString charactersDefault:This setting sets the LN Prefix of logical node GGIO4 that is described in the GGIO4 section later. Valid characters areupper and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character. The first character must be a letter.Master configRevRange: 0 to 255 ASCII charactersDefault:This data attribute is provided by the protocol to allow the user to declare changes to the semantic of the data model ofthe UR. The intent is that the user changes Master configRev each time that the semantic or data model changes, sothat clients can readily detect the change. A semantic change is a logical node getting a new semantic use; for example,an instance of logical node CSWI is now serving a different physical switch, or an instance of a logical node PDIS is nowused for another zone. A data model change is a change in the presence of logical nodes, data objects, data attributes,or instance names.The scope of Maser configRev is the entire relay configuration as the Master logical device is the root logical device.Similar settings are provided for the other logical nodes; the scope of these other configRev settings is limited to thecorresponding logical device configuration.paramRevRange: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 in steps of 1Default: 0This data attribute is provided by the protocol to make changes to the settings of the C60 apparent to clients. TheSubstation Configuration Tool and UR Setup software advance the value of paramRev each time any setting changes.The C60 increments the value of parmRev when a setting change is made other than through CID file download.LLN0.Mod.ctlModelRange: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: sbo-with-normal-securityThis setting specifies the control service that clients must use to control the TEST MODE FUNCTION of the C60. An "on"control to /LLN0.Mod changes TEST MODE FUNCTION to Disabled, an "on-blocked" control changes it toForcible, and a "test/blocked" changes it to Isolated.IEC/MMS TCP PORT NUMBERRange: 0 to 65535 in steps of 1Default: 102This setting allows the user to change the TCP port number for Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) connections.It is recommended that this setting be left at the default value.