5-86 C60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5The C60 maintains two times: local time and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Local time can be provided by IRIG-Bsignals. UTC time is provided by SNTP servers.The real-time clock (RTC) and timestamps reported in historical records and communication protocols can be incorrect ifthe Local Time settings are not configured properly.LOCAL TIME OFFSET FROM UTC — Used to specify the local time zone offset from UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) in hours. Timezones in the eastern hemisphere have positive values; time zones in the western hemisphere have negative values. A valueof zero causes the relay to use UTC for local time. This setting has two uses. When the system RTC is synchronized with acommunications protocol providing only local time or it is free-running, the offset setting is used to calculate UTC from thelocal time these provide. When the RTC is synchronized with a communications protocol providing only UTC (such as PTP orSNTP), the time offset setting is used to determine local time from the UTC provided. PTPALTERNATE_TIME_OFFSET_INDICATOR TLVs are not used to calculate local time. When a communications protocol otherthan PTP provides UTC to local time offset (meaning IRIG-B), that offset is used instead of the local time and daylight timesettings.DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME and DST — Can be used to allow the relay to follow the DST rules of the local time zone. Note thatwhen IRIG-B time synchronization is active, the local time in the IRIG-B signal contains any daylight savings time offset andso the DST settings are ignored.5.3.7 Fault reportsSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP FAULT REPORTS FAULT REPORT 1The C60 relay supports one fault report and an associated fault locator. The signal source and trigger condition, as well asthe characteristics of the line or feeder, are entered in this menu. DST STOP DAYINSTANCE: FirstRange: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last DST STOP HOUR:2:00Range: 0:00 to 23:00 FAULT REPORT 1 FAULT REPORT 1SOURCE: SRC 1Range: SRC 1, SRC 2, SRC 3, SRC 4 FAULT REPORT 1 TRIG:OffRange: FlexLogic operand FAULT REPORT 1 Z1MAG: 3.00 Range: 0.01 to 250.00 ohms in steps of 0.01 FAULT REPORT 1 Z1ANGLE: 75°Range: 25 to 90° in steps of 1 FAULT REPORT 1 Z0MAG: 9.00 Range: 0.01 to 650.00 ohms in steps of 0.01 FAULT REPORT 1 Z0ANGLE: 75°Range: 25 to 90° in steps of 1 FAULT REPORT 1 LINELENGTH UNITS: kmRange: km, miles FAULT REP 1 LENGTH(km ): 100.0Range: 0.0 to 2000.0 in steps of 0.1 FAULT REPORT 1 VTSUBSTITUTION: NoneRange: None, I0, V0 FAULT REP 1 SYSTEMZ0 MAG: 2.00 Range: 0.01 to 650.00 ohms in steps of 0.01 FAULT REP 1 SYSTEMZ0 ANGLE: 75°Range: 25 to 90° in steps of 1