CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUPC60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-1435PMU 1 A-CH-1 to PMU 1 A-CH-16 — These settings specify any analog data measured by the relay to be included as a user-selectable analog channel of the data frame. Up to 16 analog channels can be configured to send any FlexAnalog valuefrom the relay. Examples include frequency, rate of frequency change, active and reactive power, per phase or three-phasepower, power factor, temperature via RTD inputs, and THD. The configured analog values are sampled concurrently withthe synchrophasor instant and sent as 32-bit floating-point values scaled to Engineering units.PMU 1 A-CH-1 NM to PMU 1 A-CH-16 NM — These settings allow for custom naming of the analog channels. Sixteen-characterASCII strings are allowed as in the CHNAM field of the configuration frame.PMU 1 D-CH-1 to PMU 1 D-CH-16 — These settings specify any digital flag measured by the relay to be included as a user-selectable digital channel of the data frame. Up to 16 digital channels can be configured to send any FlexLogic operandfrom the relay. The configured digital flags are sampled concurrently with the synchrophasor instant. These values aremapped into a two-byte integer number, with byte 1 LSB corresponding to the digital channel 1 and byte 2 MSBcorresponding to digital channel 16.PMU 1 D-CH-1 NM to PMU 1 D-CH-16 NM — These settings allow for custom naming of the digital channels. Sixteen-characterASCII strings are allowed as in the CHNAM field of the configuration frame.PMU 1 D-CH-1 NORMAL STATE to PMU 1 D-CH-16 NORMAL STATE — These settings allow for specifying a normal state for eachdigital channel. These states are transmitted in configuration frames to the data concentrator.C37.118 PMU 1 configurationSETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT BASIC CONFIGURATION PMU 1 PMU 1 BASICCONFIGURATION 37.118 PMU 1 CONFIGURATIONPMU 1 FORMAT — This setting selects whether synchrophasors are reported as 16-bit integers or 32-bit IEEE floating pointnumbers. This setting complies with bit-1 of the FORMAT field of the IEEE C37.118 configuration frame. This setting appliesto synchrophasors only; user-selectable FlexAnalog channels are always transmitted as 16-bit integer values.PMU 1 STYLE — This setting selects whether synchrophasors are reported in rectangular (real and imaginary) coordinates orin polar (magnitude and angle) coordinates. This setting complies with bit-0 of the FORMAT field of the IEEE C37.118configuration frame.IEC 61850–90–5 PMU 1 configurationSETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT BASIC CONFIGURATION PMU 1 PMU 1 BASICCONFIGURATION 90-5 PMU 1 CONFIGURATIONPMU1 LDINST — A user-defined visible string (maximum 64 char ASCII test) to assign Logical Device (LD) Inst for a PMUlogical device. 37.118 PMU 1 CONFIGURATION PMU 1 FORMAT:IntegerRange: Integer, Floating-point PMU 1 STYLE:PolarRange: Polar, RectangularNOTEWith 90-5 PMU, the FORMAT and STYLE are Floating-point and Polar respectively, as specified in the IEC 61850-90-5 technical report. 90-5 PMU 1 CONFIGURATION PMU 1 LDINST:PMU1Range: 64 char ASCII textNOTEAs per IEC 61850-6 standard specification, the PMU LD Name is the concatenated combination (to total 64characters) of IED Name (specified in IEC 61850 Server Settings) appended with PMU X LDINST string.