CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPC60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-755setting is set to 15. Note that these settings are the default values of the deadbands. P_ME_NC_1 (parameter of measuredvalue, short floating point value) points can be used to change threshold values, from the default, for each individualM_ME_NC_1 analog point. Whenever power is removed and re-applied to the C60, the default thresholds are in effect.The IEC REDUNDANCY setting decides whether multiple client connections are accepted or not. If redundancy is set to Yes,two simultaneous connections can be active at any given time.IEC TCP PORT NUMBER — To close the port, set the port number to 0. The change takes effect when the C60 is restarted.SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 60870-5-104 PROTOCOL IEC NETWORK CLIENTADDRESSESThe C60 can specify a maximum of five clients for its IEC 104 connections. These are IP addresses for the controllers towhich the C60 can connect. A maximum of two simultaneous connections are supported at any given time. EGD protocolSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS EGD PROTOCOLEthernet Global Data (EGD) is a suite of protocols used for the real-time transfer of data for display and control purposes.The relay can be configured to ‘produce’ EGD data exchanges, and other devices can be configured to ‘consume’ EGD dataexchanges. The number of produced exchanges (up to three), the data items in each exchange (up to 50), and theexchange production rate can be configured.The relay supports one fast EGD exchange and two slow EGD exchanges. There are 20 data items in the fast-producedEGD exchange and 50 data items in each slow-produced exchange.EGD cannot be used to transfer data between UR series relays. The relay supports EGD production only. An EGD exchangeis not be transmitted unless the destination address is non-zero, and at least the first data item address is set to a validModbus register address. The default setting value of “0” is considered invalid.Fast exchanges (50 to 1000 ms) are generally used in control schemes. The C60 has one fast exchange (exchange 1) andtwo slow exchanges (exchange 2 and 3).The settings menu for the fast EGD exchange follows.NOTEDo not set more than one protocol to the same TCP/UDP port number, as this results in unreliable operation ofthose protocols. IEC NETWORK CLIENT ADDRESSES CLIENT ADDRESS 1: standard IPV4 address format CLIENT ADDRESS 5: standard IPV4 address format EGD PROTOCOL FAST PROD EXCH 1 CONFIGURATIONSee below SLOW PROD EXCH 1 CONFIGURATIONSee below SLOW PROD EXCH 2 CONFIGURATIONSee belowThe C60 is provided with optional Ethernet Global Data (EGD) communications capability. This feature isspecified as a software option at the time of ordering. See the Order Codes section in chapter 2 fordetails.