104Step Command Remarks3. Configure the tunnel touse static CR-LSP. mpls te signal-protocol static N/A4. Submit the current tunnelconfiguration. mpls te commit N/A5. Exit to system view. quit N/A6. Create a static CR-LSP onyour device dependingon its location in thenetwork.• At the ingress node:static-cr-lsp ingress tunnel-namedestination dest-addr nexthopnext-hop-addr | outgoing-interfaceinterface-type interface-number• On a transit node:static-cr-lsp transit tunnel-nameincoming-interface interface-typeinterface-number in-labelin-label-value nexthopnext-hop-addr out-labelout-label-value• On the egress node:static-cr-lsp egress tunnel-nameincoming-interface interface-typeinterface-number in-labelin-label-valueUse any of the commandsaccording to the location of thedevice in the network.The tunnel-name argument in thestatic-cr-lsp ingress command mustbe the same as the tunnel interfacename created by the interfacetunnel command, including theletter case. For example, if youcreate a tunnel interface with theinterface tunnel 2 command, thetunnel interface name is Tunnel2.Then, the tunnel-name in thestatic-cr-lsp ingress command mustbe in the form of Tunnel2—nottunnel2 or TUNNEL2. Otherwise,the tunnel cannot be established onthe ingress node. This restrictionhowever does not apply to transitor egress nodes.Creating an MPLS TE tunnel with a dynamicsignaling protocolDynamic signaling protocol can adapt the path of a TE tunnel to network changes and implementredundancy, FRR, and other advanced features.The following describes how to create an MPLS TE tunnel with a dynamic signaling protocol:• Configure MPLS TE properties for links and advertise them through IGP TE extension to form a TEDB.To form a TEDB, you must configure the IGP TE extension for the nodes on the network to send TELSAs. If the IGP TE extension is not configured, the CR-LSP is created based on IGP routing ratherthan computed by CSPF.• Configure tunnel constraints.• Use the CSPF algorithm to calculate a preferred path based on the TEDB and tunnel constraints.• Establish the path by using the signaling protocol RSVP-TE.Configuration prerequisitesBefore you perform the configuration, complete the following tasks:• Configure static routing or an IGP protocol to make sure all LSRs can reach each other.• Configure basic MPLS.