269Soft reset of BGP connections refers to updating BGP routing information without breaking BGP neighborrelationships. Hard reset of BGP connections refers to updating BGP routing information by breaking andthen reestablishing BGP neighbor relationships.To hard reset or soft reset BGP connections:Step Command Remarks1. Soft reset BGP connections ofa VPN instance.refresh bgp vpn-instance vpn-instance-name{ ip-address | all | external | groupgroup-name } { export | import }Available in user view2. Soft reset BGP VPNv4connections.refresh bgp vpnv4 { ip-address | all |external | group group-name | internal }{ export | import }Available in user view3. Hard reset BGP connectionsof a VPN instance.reset bgp vpn-instance vpn-instance-name{ as-number | ip-address | all | external |group group-name }Available in user view4. Hard reset BGP VPNv4connections.reset bgp vpnv4 { as-number | ip-address |all | external | internal | groupgroup-name }Available in user viewDisplaying and maintaining MPLS L3VPNTask Command RemarksDisplay information about therouting table associated with aVPN instance.display ip routing-table vpn-instancevpn-instance-name [ verbose ] [ | { begin |exclude | include } regular-expression ]Available in any viewDisplay information about aspecified or all VPN instances.display ip vpn-instance [ instance-namevpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin | exclude |include } regular-expression ]Available in any viewDisplay information about the FIBof a VPN instance.display fib vpn-instance vpn-instance-name[ acl acl-number | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name ][ | { begin | exclude | include }regular-expression ]Available in any viewDisplay information about the FIBof a VPN instance that matches thespecified destination IP address.display fib vpn-instance vpn-instance-nameip-address [ mask | mask-length ] [ | { begin| exclude | include } regular-expression ]Available in any viewDisplay information about labeledroutes in the BGP routing table.display bgp vpnv4 { all | vpn-instancevpn-instance-name } routing-table label [ |{ begin | exclude | include }regular-expression ]Available in any viewDisplay information about aspecified or all BGP VPNv4 peergroup.display bgp vpnv4 { all | vpn-instancevpn-instance-name } group [ group-name ] [ |{ begin | exclude | include }regular-expression ]Available in any viewDisplay information about BGPVPNv4 routes redistributed into aspecified or all VPN instances.display bgp vpnv4 { all | vpn-instancevpn-instance-name } network [ | { begin |exclude | include } regular-expression ]Available in any view