354Step Command Remarks4. Configure the CE as the VPNEBGP peer.peer ipv6-address as-numberas-number N/A5. Redistribute the routes of thelocal CEs.import-route protocol [ process-id ][ med med-value | route-policyroute-policy-name ] *A PE must redistribute the routes ofthe local CEs into its VPN routingtable so that it can advertise themto the peer PE.6. Configure a filtering policy tofilter the routes to beadvertised.filter-policy { acl6-number |ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix-name }export [ direct | isisv6 process-id |ripng process-id | static ]Optional.By default, BGP does not filterroutes to be advertised.7. Configure a filtering policy tofilter received routes.filter-policy { acl6-number |ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix-name }importOptional.By default, the PE does not filterreceived routes.2. Configure the CE:Step Command Remarks1. Enter system view. system-view N/A2. Enter BGP view. bgp as-number N/A3. Enter IPv6 BGP subaddressfamily view. ipv6-family N/A4. Configure the PE as the EBGPpeer.peer ipv6-address as-numberas-number N/A5. Configure route redistributionand advertisement.import-route protocol [ process-id ][ med med-value | route-policyroute-policy-name ] *Optional.A CE needs to advertise its VPNroutes to the connected PE so thatthe PE can advertise them to thepeer CE.NOTE:• After an IPv6 BGP-VPN instance is configured, exchange of BGP routes for the VPN instance is the sameas exchange of ordinary BGP routes.• The configuration commands available in IPv6 BGP-VPN instance view are the same as those in IPv6BGP subaddress family view. For more configuration commands in the two views, seeLayer 3—IPRouting Configuration Guide.Configuring routing between PEsStep Command Remarks1. Enter system view. system-view N/A2. Enter BGP view. bgp as-number N/A3. Configure the remote PE asthe peer.peer ip-address as-numberas-number N/A