20Step Command Remarks5. Redistribute the VPN routesof the VPN site.import-route protocol [ process-id |all-processes ] [ med med-value |route-policy route-policy-name ] *By default, no routeredistribution is configured.6. Configure the egress routerof the site as a client of theroute reflector.peer { group-name | ip-address }reflect-clientOptional.By default, no route reflector orclient is configured.7. Enable route reflectionbetween clients. reflect between-clientsOptional.Enabled by default.If the clients are fully meshed,you do not need to enableroute reflection.8. Specify a cluster ID for theroute reflector. reflector cluster-id cluster-idOptional.By default, each RR in a clusteruses its own router ID as thecluster ID.If more than one RR exists in acluster, use this command toconfigure the same cluster IDfor all RRs in the cluster toavoid routing loops.9. Configure a filtering policyto filter the routes to beadvertised.filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefixip-prefix-name } export [ direct | isisprocess-id | ospf process-id | ripprocess-id | static ]Optional.By default, BGP does not filterthe routes to be advertised.10. Configure a filtering policyto filter the received routes.filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefixip-prefix-name } importOptional.By default, BGP does not filterthe received routes.Resetting BGP connectionsWhen BGP configuration changes, you can use the soft reset function or reset BGP connections to makenew configurations take effect. Soft reset requires that BGP peers have route refreshment capability(supporting Route-Refresh messages).Step Command Remarks1. Soft reset the BGP connectionsin a specified VPN instance.refresh bgp vpn-instancevpn-instance-name { ip-address |all | external | groupgroup-name } { export | import }Available in user view2. Reset BGP connections of aVPN instance.reset bgp vpn-instancevpn-instance-name { as-number |ip-address | all | external | groupgroup-name }Available in user view