171Step Command Remarks10. Return to VSI LDP view. quit N/A11. Enable the PW switchoverfunction and set theswitchover delay time.dual-npe revertive [ wtr-timewtr-time ]Optional.By default, PW switchover isdisabled.Configuring BGP VPLSBefore you configure BGP VPLS, complete the following tasks:• Configure an IGP on the MPLS backbone devices (PEs and P devices) to guarantee the IPconnectivity of the MPLS backbone. For configuration information, see Layer 3—IP RoutingConfiguration Guide.• Configure basic MPLS on the MPLS backbone devices (PEs and P devices) to establish LSP tunnelson the backbone network. For configuration information, see "Configuring basic MPLS."Configuring the BGP extensionBefore configuring BGP VPLS, configure BGP parameters on the PEs. For configuration details, see Layer3—IP Routing Configuration Guide.To configure BGP extension:Step Command Remarks1. Enter system view. system-view N/A2. Enter BGP view. bgp as-number N/A3. Enter BGP-VPLS addressfamily view. vpls-familyFor more configurations inBGP-VPLS address family view, see"Configuring MPLS L3VPN."4. Activate a peer. peer peer-address enable No peer is activated by default.Configuring a BGP VPLS instanceTo create a BGP VPLS instance, specify a globally unique name for the VPLS instance, set the peerdiscovery mechanism to automatic configuration, and configure BGP as the PW signaling protocol.To configure a BGP VPLS instance:Step Command1. Enter system view. system-view2. Create a BGP VPLS instance and enter VSI view. vsi vsi-name auto3. Specify BGP as the PW signaling protocol andenter VSI-BGP view. pwsignal bgp4. Configure an RD for the VPLS instance. route-distinguisher route-distinguisher5. Configure VPN targets for the VPLS instance. vpn-target vpn-target&<1-16> [ both |import-extcommunity | export-extcommunity ]