6Care and Cleaning1. Turn the control knob to Off. Unplugcord from outlet.2. Remove stoneware dish and coverfrom electric cooking base and letcool on a trivet or heat-resistantsurface.3. Wash the stoneware dish and coverin hot, soapy water. Rinse and dry.The dish and cover may also beplaced in a dishwasher.4. To clean the electric cooking baseand warming stand, wipe with adamp cloth. Do not use abrasivecleansers.• Avoid sudden, extreme temperaturechanges. For example, do not place ahot stoneware cover or dish into coldwater or onto a wet surface.• Avoid hitting stoneware dish andcover against the faucet or other hardsurfaces.• Do not use stoneware dish or cover ifchipped, cracked or severelyscratched.• Do not use abrasive cleansers ormetal scouring pads.• The stoneware dish and cover canbecome very hot. Use caution. Do notplace directly on any unprotectedsurface or countertop.• The stoneware dish and cover aremicrowave safe and oven proof, butnever heat the stoneware whenempty. Never place the stoneware ona burner or stovetop.Party Crock™ Cookset Tips• The stoneware dish should be at leasthalf-filled for best results. If less thanhalf-filled, check for doneness 30minutes to one hour earlier thancalled for in the recipe.• Removing the cover when cookingresults in major heat loss and the cook-ing time may need to be extended.• If your schedule doesn’t allow time toprepare a recipe, do it the nightbefore. Place all ingredients in thestoneware dish, cover and place inthe refrigerator overnight. Whenyou’re ready to cook, simply placethe stoneware dish on the electriccooking base.• Pasta, seafood, milk, cream, or sourcream should only be added 2 hoursbefore serving. Evaporated milk orcondensed soups are perfect for thecookset.• When cooking cheese, high-sugarcontent or chocolate-based recipes,use the MEDIUM heat setting and stirfrequently to prevent burning.• If cooking a vegetable-type casserole,be sure there is liquid in the recipe toprevent scorching on the sides of thestoneware dish.• Defrost frozen foods, meats or poultrybefore cooking in the Party Crock toensure the food reaches a propertemperature quickly. Visit the web sitefoodsafety.gov for food safety guide-lines.• If cooking larger cuts of meat orpoultry, brown or sear before cookingin the Party Crock.wWARNINGShock HazardTo reduce risk of electrical shock,do not immerse electric cooking base.840149600 Ev03.qxd 6/20/06 8:57 AM Page 6