Chapter 3. Power RequirementsGeneral RequirementszSeries 800s require a minimum of 2 customer power feeds:1. Two identical (redundant) feeds for the frame2. One duplex service outlet positioned within five feet of the machine frame.The service outlets require standard 100V to 130V or 200V to 240V, 50/60Hz,single-phase power.zSeries 800s operate with:v 50/60Hz AC powerv Voltages ranging from 200V to 240Vv Single-phase wiringPower Installation ConsiderationszSeries 800s operate from two fully-redundant single-phase line cords. Theseredundant line cords allow the system to survive the loss of customer power toeither line cord. If power is interrupted to one of the line cords, the other line cordwill pick up the entire load and the system will continue to operate withoutinterruption. Therefore each line cord is intended to be be wired to support theentire power load of the system.ImportantEach power cord is intended to be supplied by a different source.Since the zSeries 800 operates on single-phase power, power redundancy isrealized only if the source to each line cord is different. Failure to provide separatepower sources will lead to system failure in the event of a power outage. SeeAppendix D, “Dual Power Installation,” on page D-1 for examples of typicalredundant facilities wiring.The power supplies at the front end of the system use active resistive loadsynthesis. Harmonic distortion of the current waveform is small enough that it neednot be considered in planning the installation. The power factor is typically 0.95.Power SpecificationsTable 3-1. Power Supply Ranges and TolerancesSupply Type Nominal VoltageRange (V)Voltage Tolerance(V)Frequency Range(Hz)Two redundant single-phaseline cords 200-240 180-254 47-63Level 04a, June 21, 2004© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004 3-1|||||||