Fiber Quick Connect ESCON CablingNote: The Fiber Quick Connect trunking system cannot be used in a non-raisedfloor installation. There is not enough space to obtain correct cable bendradius at the tailgate exit area.Ordered in conjunction with a Fiber Transport Services direct-attach, trunk cablingsolution, the Fiber Quick Connect feature enables trunk cables to connect toESCON channels using under-the-cover attachment harnesses. These harnessesare installed when your system is built, and your zSeries 800 arrives ready toconnect the trunk cables at your site.This illustration shows that the Fiber Quick Connect feature allows the use ofMT-RJ cables.There can be from one to four rows of trunk connectors on the bracket. The trunkbrackets use an MTP connector, and the ESCON connectors are routed to theESCON feature cards in each frame.If you are planning to use the Fiber Quick Connect feature for ESCONchannels, contact Networking Services for assistance. Networking Services willhelp you plan for the trunk cabling solution that meets your individual systemrequirements. Your IBM installation planning representative, IBM product specialist,or IBM service representative will provide you with the information necessary tocontact Connectivity Services.Integrated Cluster Bus ChannelThe integrated cluster bus (ICB) uses a Self-Timed Interconnect (STI) to performcoupling communication between systems. If you are planning to install integratedMTP Harness BracketsMT-RJ HarnessMTP ConnectorMT-RJ ConnectorsFigure 6-10. ESCON Harnesses and Harness BracketLevel 04a, June 21, 20046-18 zSeries 800: Installation Manual for Physical Planning||||||