Trusted Key Entry (TKE)zSeries 800s may have a cryptographic coprocessor feature for applications whereextensive data security is required. For these systems, there is a separate consoleavailable for authorized access to the cryptographic feature. This console is namedthe Trusted Key Entry (TKE) PC.The TKE workstation includes a system unit, mouse, keyboard, monitor, and linecord. A DVD is available for installation of Licensed Internal Code.Note: zSeries 890 and 990 are the last zSeries servers that will support TokenRing LAN connection to the TKE workstation.TKE workstation LAN adapter feature codes depend on the version of the TKEmicrocode.Table 4-1.TKE Microcode Level Token Ring Feature Code Ethernet Feature Code3.0 0866 08693.1 0876 08794.0 0886 08894.1 0896 0899Notes:1. Older levels of LAN connection Feature Codes can be carried forward onsystem upgrades.2. FC 0886 and FC 0889 are only orderable with zSeries 990.3. zSeries 990 and zSeries 890 require TKE microcode levels at either 4.0 or 4.1.The Token Ring adapter supports a link data rate of 4 or 16 Mbps. Ethernet on thesystem unit motherboard supports a link data rate of 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps. TheEthernet adapter supports a link data rate of 10 or 100 Mbps.The TKE workstation attaches to the customer LAN, providing a security-rich,flexible method of providing master key and operational key entry to locally andremotely managed Cryptographic Coprocessor features.Customers with TKE 3.x installed workstations may carry them forward to controllegacy systems only.To use the TKE function on zSeries 800, the CMOS Cryptographic CoprocessorFacility(CCF) feature must be enabled and the PCICC feature (FC 0861) must beinstalled. An update from TKE 3.0 or TKE 3.1 microcode level to TKE 4.0 or TKE4.1 microcode level is required for use with the zSeries 890.The TKE PC requires two 110/120 volt outlets in the U.S. and Canada. Powerrequirements vary in other countries.LAN ConnectionsLAN cabling is a customer responsibility.To connect the TKE workstation with Token Ring to a LAN, use eitherv Unshield Twisted Pair (UTP) cable terminated with an RJ-45 connectorLevel 04a, June 21, 20044-12 zSeries 800: Installation Manual for Physical Planning||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||