For additional information on planning for OSA-Express see:v OSA Express Customer’s Guide and Reference, SA22-7476 andv Planning for the Open System Adapter -2 Feature, GA22-7477.Ordering OSA-Express CablesFiber optic cables for the zSeries 800 system may be ordered using the zSeriesFiber Cabling Service offered by IBM Global Services. This Service delivers aconvenient, packaged solution to reduce the complexity of planning, ordering,installing, and documenting fiber optic cables. Individual jumper cables, cablecomponents, and connector options are also available through IBM Global Services.Contact your local IBM Installation Planning Representative, IBM zSeries 800Product Specialist, or IBM Connectivity Services Specialist for details.Single ModeSC Duplex ConnectorsMultimodeSC Duplex ConnectorsMultimodeSC Duplex ConnectorsSingle ModeSC Duplex ConnectorsA BA BOSA-ExpressSM ATMOSA-ExpressMM ATMA BA BOSA-ExpressGigabit Ethernet SXOSA-ExpressGigabit Ethernet LXRJ-45 ConnectorsLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortLAN PortsLAN PortOSA-ExpressFast EthernetDB-9 ConnectorDB-9 ConnectorRJ-45 ConnectorRJ-45 ConnectorOSA-ExpressToken RingFigure 6-6. OSA-Express CardsLevel 04a, June 21, 2004Chapter 6. Cabling and Connectivity 6-13|